
Kotlin Fundamental


Learn the basic and essential concepts of Kotlin programming language for building android apps

for loop in kotlin

In this blog, we’ll learn FOR loop in kotlin Adnroid, will see the exact flow of for loop. How it will work, Will understand the working of FOR loop in kotlin detail with the help of an example.…

in this post, we’ll learn when as expression, Now this when is actually the replacement of switch case statement similar to java, So let us explore when expression in Kotlin fun main(args: Array<String>) { val x = 2 }…

In this post, we’ll learn If else conditional statement in Kotlin. We’ll cover each small topic, that has related to IF-ELSE. will see If expression and if multiple conditions with the help of an example. So lets started…

In this post, we’ll learn about string templates and in other words what is String Interpolation. in Kotlin we have a special type of concept String Interpolation. In this article, we’ll discuss in detail with example. Let us…

Welcome Guys, In this article, I’m going to explain the variables and data type in Kotlin. I also explain how to declare variables and all basic data types in Kotlin. So let’s get started. Any programming language a…

In this article, I’ll tell you gives Kotlin Overview. Android discuss all advantages of Kotlin over Java in Android for Android Development. I will tell you also why Kotlin is more powerful than Java. Kotlin In Google I/O…

Welcome Guys, In this post I’ll tell you why you should use Kotlin for Android development? Android discusses all advantages of Kotlin over Java in Android for Android Development. Why Kotlin is more powerful than Java Kotlin It…